The Pillars of Wellness








Stress Management


Healthy Relationships




Avoiding Risky Substance Abuse


Improve Health with less Medications


Wellness coaching and lifestyle medicine…developing a road map for your well-being.

Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle medicine defines our unique approach to patient care and disease prevention.   This medical specialty  helps patients stay well with a distinct emphasis on  a whole foods, plant-based diet,   adequate sleep, stress management, social support, substance use cessation, and physical activity as the key to treating and reversing chronic conditions. While medications can be used to manage  chronic conditions, our focus is on  working with patients  to reduce or eliminate  medications whenever lifestyle might be a better medicine.


Sign Up for Our Online, 4-Part Weight Loss Series!


Wellness Coaching

Our mission is to help patients achieve their personal vision of optimal health and wellness with a highly effective blend of lifestyle medicine and wellness coaching.  We offer a comprehensive coaching program led by trained and certified professionals who work to facilitate change within each individual by providing skilled and empathetic guidance throughout the wellness journey.   Our  health and wellness coaches listen, ask, engage, challenge, energize, inspire and motivate,  helping build confidence, self-efficacy and purpose.


We are pleased to offer this growing list of resources to our patients and the community, drawing inspiration from the life-affirming pillars of health and wellness.

Shirley C.
Coaching has been a life changing experience for me. I have done many diets and always lost weight but as soon as I got off the diet the weight came right back. When Coaching was presented to me I immediately rejected the program. Much to my surprise, I was wrong. I am thankful that my doctor recommended Coaching and that I did it.
Eleanor S.
I have finally found success with changing my bad habits. The more I lose the more motivated I become. I am even exercising by doing water aerobics, the water is great for old muscles and bones. I have already reduced my insulin from 50 units to 26 units daily. I have found this coaching easy to follow and stay focused.
I need this positive reinforcement, left on my own I know I would mess up, I need to be accountable to someone. I am a slow loser but I didn’t gain weight fast so I know this will take awhile. There is no magic pill here, it is a life style change.
Helen K.
I started my weight loss program back in March/13 and I weighed 223lbs, and I am down to 198lbs. I’ve tried everything before to lose weight but could never make it work…When I first started I couldn’t hardly do my house work, I didn’t have much energy at all . Now I work in my house a lot and love it.
June M.
I feel that I can do it, before I felt like it was monumental. Small positive strides, Now I feel I can do it. Positiveness the coach gives to me, now I am able to share. Positive attitude.

External Resources

Our practice believes in the power of resources!  We are delighted to share some of our favorite websites for information you can trust and tools you can use throughout your wellness journey.

Healthy Lifestyle

ExeRXcise is MedicineTrue Health InitiativeVerywell Fit


NutritionFacts.orgEat RightMy Fitness Pal Blog
Lose It!Rouxbe

Plant Based

ImageThe Plantrician ProjectForks Over Knives